Sunday, February 6, 2011

Book Reading #13 - Opening Skinner's Box

Chapter 3
The author talks about the experiment conducted by David Rosenhan in which he tries to discredit psychiatry as a certain science. In Rosenhan's experiment, he fakes hearing voices in order to get himself (and other participants) admitted into a psychiatric hospital. Upon being admitted, he states that the voices are gone and notes the reactions from the doctors. The experiment, while flawed to some people, provided a lot of discussion about the certainty of psychiatric diagnoses and its accuracy.

I thought this chapter was very interesting the first and second time around (when the author goes through Rosenhan's experiment). In fact, it was more interesting the second time around as there was already literature on the experiment. Even if the author did not successfully (by experiment standards) get admitted, she was still prescribed with illnesses that were only existent as a way to justify the prescribed medication.

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